4.4. Patching Packages

There can be various reasons why a package must be patched:

  • Package is broken for cross compile environments

  • Package is broken within a specific feature

  • Package is vulnerable and needs some fixes

  • or anything else (this case is the most common one)

Ideally, those problems should be addressed in the original project, so any patches you add to your BSP or to PTXdist should also be submitted upstream. The upstream project can often provide better feedback, they can integrate your patch into a new release, and also maintain your changes as part of the project. This way we make sure that all advantages of the open source idea work for us; and your patch can be removed again later when a new release of the project is integrated into your BSP or into PTXdist.

PTXdist handles patching automatically. After extracting the archive of a package, PTXdist checks for the existence of a patch directory named like its <PKG>_PATCHES variable, or, if this variable is not set, like its <PKG> variable. The patch directory is then searched in all locations listed by the PTXDIST_PATH_PATCHES variable, and the first one found is used. Take an exemplary package foo with version 1.1.0: The variable FOO will have the value foo-1.1.0, so PTXdist will look for a patch directory named foo-1.1.0 in the following locations:

  1. the current layer:

    1. project (./patches/foo-1.1.0)

    2. platform (./configs/platform-<example>/patches/foo-1.1.0)

  2. any base layers, applying the same search order as above for each layer recursively

  3. ptxdist (<ptxdist/installation/path>/patches/foo-1.1.0)

The patches from the first location found are used. Note: Due to this search order, a PTXdist project can replace global patches from the PTXdist installation. This can be useful if a project sticks to a specific PTXdist revision but fixes from a more recent revision of PTXdist should be used.

PTXdist uses the utilities git, patch or quilt to work with patches or patch series. We recommend git, as it can manage patch series in a very easy way.

Creating a Patch Series for a Package

To create a patch series for the first time, we can run the following steps. We are still using our foo-1.1.0 example package here:

Using Quilt

We create a special directory for the patch series in the local project directory:

$ mkdir -p patches/foo-1.1.0

PTXdist expects a series file in the patch directory and at least one patch. Otherwise it fails. Due to the fact that we do not have any patch content yet, we’ll start with a dummy entry in the series file and an empty patch file.

$ touch patches/foo-1.1.0/dummy
$ echo dummy > patches/foo-1.1.0/series

Next is to extract the package (if already done, we must remove it first):

$ ptxdist extract foo

This will extract the archive and create a symbolic link in the build directory pointing to our local patch directory. Working this way will ensure that we do not lose our created patches if we enter ptxdist clean foo by accident. In our case the patches are still present in patches/foo-1.1.0 and can be used the next time we extract the package again.

All we have to do now is to do the modification we need to make the package work. We change into the build directory and use quilt to create new patches, add files to respective patches, modify these files and refresh the patches to save our changes. See the quilt documentation (man 1 quilt) for more information.


For patches that are intended for PTXdist upstream use the git workflow described below to get proper patch headers.

Using Git

Create the patch directory like above for quilt, but only add an empty series file:

$ mkdir -p patches/foo-1.1.0
$ touch patches/foo-1.1.0/series

Then extract the package with an additional command line switch:

$ ptxdist --git extract foo

The empty series file makes PTXdist create a Git repository in the respective package build directory, and import the package source as the first commit.


Optionally, you can enable the setting Developer Options → use git to apply patches in ptxdist setup to get this behaviour as a default for every package.

Then you can change into the package build directory (platform-<name>/build-target/foo-1.1.0), patch the required source files, and make Git commits on the way. The Git history should now look something like this:

$ git log --oneline --decorate
* df343e821851 (HEAD -> master) Makefile: don't build the tests
* 65a360c2bd60 strfry.c: frobnicate the excusator
* fdc315f6844c (tag: foobar-1.1.0, tag: base) initial commit

Finally, call git ptx-patches to transform those Git commits into the patch series in the patches/foo-1.1.0 folder. This way they don’t get lost when cleaning the package.


PTXdist will only create a Git repository for packages with patches. To use Git to generate the first patch, create an empty series file patches/foobar-1.1.0/series before extracting the packages. This will tell PTXdist to use Git anyways and git ptx-patches will put the patches there.

Both approaches (Git and quilt) are not suitable for modifying files that are autogenerated in autotools-based buildsystems. Refer to the section Modifying Autotoolized Packages on how PTXdist can handle this special task.

Recovering from merge conflicts

When updating packages, it can happen that older patches no longer apply. In this case, the extract stage will throw errors like this:

target: ima-evm-utils.extract

extract: pkg_src=/ptx/src/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2.tar.gz
extract: pkg_extract_dir=DistroKit/platform-v7a/build-target/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2
patchin: git: initializing repository
patchin: git: done

pkg_patch_dir:     'ptxdist/patches/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2'
pkg_patch_series:  'ptxdist/patches/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2/series'

patchin: git: apply 'ptxdist/patches/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2/series'
tagging -> base
error: patch failed: src/Makefile.am:1
error: src/Makefile.am: patch does not apply
make: *** […/ptxdist/rules/post/ptxd_make_world_extract.make:41: …/DistroKit/platform-v7a/state/ima-evm-utils.extract] Error 4

In the example above, the first patch was applied cleanly, but the second one was not because src/Makefile.am contained different lines than expected. If this happens, you have to clean up the merge conflict, and apply the remaining patches manually.

First, change into the package’s build directory, and abort the current patch:

…/distrokit/master (master) $  cd platform-v7a/build-target/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2/

…/build-target/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2 (master|AM/REBASE) $  git log --oneline --graph
* 6687ab46087c (HEAD -> master) INSTALL: remove file, as it's autogenerated by autotools
* 01a52624237f (tag: ima-evm-utils-1.3.2, tag: base) initial commit

…/build-target/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2 (master|AM/REBASE) $  git am --abort

…/build-target/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2 (master) $

(Notice how the Git integration in the shell prompt still shows AM/REBASE before the cleanup, signaling the ongoing conflict resolution.)

The remaining patches are still available in the ./patches directory relative to your current location. Try to apply each of them in turn using git am. If a patch fails to apply, Git will not change any files, but will still remember the patch’s author and commit message, and prompt you to resolve the conflicts:

…/build-target/ima-evm-utils-1.3.2 (master) $  git am patches/0005-evmctl-add-fallback-definitions-for-XATTR_NAME_IMA.patch

Applying: evmctl: add fallback definitions for XATTR_NAME_IMA
Patch failed at 0005 evmctl: add fallback definitions for XATTR_NAME_IMA
hint: Use 'git am --show-current-patch=diff' to see the failed patch
When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead.
To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".
  • If you find that the patch is no longer necessary (e.g. because it was already merged upstream in the new package version), skip it with git am --skip.

  • Otherwise, apply the same patch again manually via patch --merge -p1 < patches/filename.patch, and resolve any resulting conflicts using your favourite editor.

  • Finally, git am --continue commits your conflict resolution with the patch’s original author and log message.

After porting all patches, update the package’s patch queue with git ptx-patches.

Adding More Patches to a Package

If we want to add more patches to an already patched package, we can use nearly the same way as creating patches for the first time. But if the patch series comes from the PTXdist main installation, we do not have write permissions to these directories (do NEVER work on the main installation directories, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER). Due to the search order in which PTXdist searches for patches for a specific package, we can copy the global patch series to our local project directory. Now we have the permissions to add more patches or modify the existing ones. Also quilt and git are our friends here to manage the patch series.

If we think that our new patches are valuable also for others, or they fix an error, it could be a good idea to send these patches to PTXdist mainline, and to the upstream project too.

Modifying Autotoolized Packages

Autotoolized packages are very picky when automatically generated files get patched. The patch order is very important in this case and sometimes it even fails and nobody knows why.

To improve a package’s autotools-based build system, PTXdist comes with its own project local autotools to regenerate the autotools template files, instead of patching them. With this feature, only the template files must be patched, the required configure script and the Makefile.in files are regenerated in the final stages of the prepare step.

This feature works like the regular patching mechanism. The only difference is the additional autogen.sh file in the patch directory. If it exists and has execution permissions, it will be called after the package was patched (while the extract stage is running).

Its content depends on developer needs; for the most simple case the content can be:



libtoolize \
        --force \

autoreconf \
        --force \
        --install \
        --warnings=cross \
        --warnings=syntax \
        --warnings=obsolete \


In this way not yet autotoolized package can be autotoolized. We just have to add the common autotool template files (configure.ac and Makefile.am for example) via a patch series to the package source and the autogen.sh to the patch directory.